Growth @ CVL
Growth comes through time spent in God's Word the Bible. It's where we find spiritual water for our sin quenched souls. God promises to strengthen our relationship to Him and our relationships with one another as we spend time in his word. That promise is for everyone, the whole family from the youngest child to the most elderly. Our goal is to strengthen your connection with God and with one another. Here's how we serve the families.
Connect Groups - Almost all of our members are involved in a Connect Group at least once a week. These sermon based studies dig deeper into the text which was preached on Sunday. Connect Groups give opportunities for questions, discussion, as well as the sharing of personal joys, struggles, and experiences. No prior knowledge is necessary just a desire to learn.
Confirmation Class - A thorough study of the Bible gives a foundation that will last a lifetime. A foundation that can support even in the midst of poor decisions, and tragedy. Our 2 year confirmation course is designed for kids in 7th - 8th grade. Classes generally run every other week throughout the school year. Through engaging classroom discussion, field trips, service projects and practical application kids learn the Bible inside and out.
Carbon Kids - Carbon Kids teaches kids the truths of the Bible in a fun age appropriate way. Carbon Kids is staffed by qualified educators with a love for God and kids. In an engaging, fun, and applicable way kids are taught, and shown their Savior. Carbon Kids runs during worship after the Pastor led Children’s lesson in worship.